
Working Papers:

This work uses high-frequency medical crowdfunding data to study the effect of BLM movements on racial disparity. We contribute in three ways to the literature: (i) topic on economic outcomes (ii) causality methods (iii) the interplay between social media (Facebook) and political activities

This work highlights the individual value of UI has two edges: insurance value (literature ignores it but is quantitatively critical) and liquidity value (literature's main point). The separation between them is critical for policy design.

3. "Estimating Duration Dependence on Re-employment Wages when Reservation Wages are Binding(Under Review)

(with Victor Hernandez and Richard Grice)

This work uses quasi-experimental data to estimate duration dependence (the causal effect of non-employment duration on re-employment wage). We fill the gap between the popular IV method proposed by Schiemider (2016) and the wide range of UI moments that do not fit in their preassumption.

4. "Positive Selection During the Unemployed Job Search: Nature of Heterogeneity and Limited Predictability"    (Draft Request on Call)

(with Victor Hernandez)

This work intends to solve an empirical puzzle in job search literature: why current literature find that higher productive workers delayed their job finding, which contradicts the belief of previous literature. Answering this question is important to understand wage dispersion, adverse selection, and help design better unemployment policies.   

Work In Progress: